Stop and Watch is a tool that everyone can use to help spot the warning signs that a person's condition is deteriorating.By recognising these signs you can reduce a person’s risk of morbidity, further disability, organ failure, or sometimes even death.

The campaign was originally developed by staff at NHS North Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group in 2019 but the popular resources are still available to download below.

Wording from the Infographic information

Everyone can spot the signs

If you notice an important change make sure you talk to the right person about this without delay. This could be your manager, healthcare professional, the family, or the out of hours health service.

Seems different to usual

No matter how small the change think: 'stop and watch'.

Talks or communicates less.

Overall - needs more help

Pain - new or worsening / Participating less in activities

Ate less - lack of appetite

No bowel movement in 3 days or diarrhoea

Drank less - monitor using hydration chart

Weight change - losing weight without trying

Agitated or more nervous than usual

Tired, weak, confused or drowsy

Change in skin colour / condition

Help with walking, transferring, or going to the toilet more than usual