To view details of your Local People Promise Manager: Select Here to visit the TeamNet People Promise page
> Read our NHS People Promise in full
> Overview Document
> Local People Promise Poster
This is a promise we must all make to each other – to work together to improve the experience of working in the NHS for everyone.
The themes and words that make up Our People Promise have come from those who work in the NHS. People in different healthcare roles and organisations have made it clear what matters most to them, and what would make the greatest difference in improving their experience in the workplace.
For many, some parts of the Promise will already match their current experience. For others, it may still feel out of reach. We must all pledge to work together to make these ambitions a reality for all of us, within the next four years.
The people best placed to say when progress has been made are those who work in the NHS. The annual NHS Staff Survey was redesigned to align with Our People Promise from 2021. Using the Staff Survey as the principal way to measure progress will enable teams and departments, as well as whole organisations, to see their progress and take action to improve.
Only by making Our People Promise a reality will the NHS become the best place to work for all – where we are part of one team that brings out the very best in each other. The following sections set out actions that we must all focus on.
Health Passport
This health passport allows individuals to record details about their disability, health condition or learning disability. It allows individuals to easily record information about their condition, any reasonable adjustments they may have in place, and any difficulties they face.
NHS health passport | NHS Employers
Also link to accompanying guidance for managers can be found above.
Employment is for Everyone is a social movement aiming to improve the employment opportunities for autistic people and people with a learning disability.
Employment Opportunities For Autistic Adults | Employment Is For Everyone
A new Disability Confident guide for managers helping them recruit, retain, and foster the progression of disabled people and those with health conditions in the workplace.
New guide published to help businesses boost disabled people’s prospects at work - GOV.UK (
The NHS Pension Scheme is a valuable part of an NHS employees’ total reward. Find out what you get for being a member in this short video taken from NHS England website.
Pensions and flexible working in your later career
Find the balance between work and what matters most to you as you approach retirement through a variety of flexible working options.
And whatever you choose you can still make the most of your pension. In fact, flexible working means you can carry on building on what you've got, and still protect your loved ones with life assurance and other great benefits.
This link has lots of information on the NHS England page about different retirement options:
NHS England - we are recognised and rewarded.
In the member hub you'll find all the information you need about being a member of the NHS Pension Scheme, including accessing both the 1995-2008 Member Guide and the 2015 Member Guide.
Freedom to Speak Up
Staff are encouraged to speak up about anything that gets in the way of patient care or impacts their work life. This includes issues such as unsafe patient care, poor working conditions, inadequate training, unaddressed safety concerns, suspicions of fraud, and a bullying culture. Speaking up can address concerns like unfair treatment, non-compliance with procedures, and behaviours affecting well-being. Employees are specifically urged to report unsafe practices, poor responses to incidents, and organisational issues that affect the team or patients
Speaking up, therefore, captures a range of issues, some of which may be appropriate for other existing processes (for example, HR or patient safety/quality).
Organisations will listen and work with staff to identify the most appropriate way of responding to the issues raised.
Relevant policies and information have been made available to staff through their TeamNet pages.
Staff Wellbeing Resources
A full range of Staff Wellbeing Resources are available here on the staff area of this website.
This includes: Info and links to North East and North Cumbria's wider Staff Wellbeing Hub, links to a range of wellbeing Apps, coaching resources, money and pensions advice, and lots more support and advice.
Financial Wellbeing Resources
Financial wellbeing is an important contributing factor to an individual’s overall wellbeing. If you are worried about money, then this can have a negative impact on your emotional and psychological health which can then also impact on your physical and social wellbeing. This is why we have pulled together a list of resources which may provide support whatever your circumstances may be on this page.
Action for Happiness Resources
Monthly calendars are available with small daily actions.
The calendars also come in different languages and you can sign up to receive these calendars via email every month.
July's calendar is focused on resilience which has been highlighted as a common theme in staff surveys."Resilience isn't about ignoring our problems or tolerating injustice. It's recognising that in any situation we have a choice over how we respond".
They host various online events, or you can explore their past Talks library. They feature experts from across the field of wellbeing.
Free Program
A free 10 days of happiness 'grow your resilience' program to boost wellbeing which can be accessed on th following link:
Every Mind Matters
Mind Wellness Action Plan: Wellness Action Plan (
- Find out more opportunities for Learning and Development on our staff page here.
- Opportunities may also be available across North East and North Cumbria through the Boost website.(previously known in Cumbria as 'CLIC')
Co-created with thousands of our NHS people, Our Leadership Way sets out the compassionate and inclusive behaviours we want all our leaders at every level to show towards us as individuals and our colleagues.
Every day our NHS people do amazing things in difficult circumstances. Our best leaders promote the health and wellbeing of those around them and inspire all of us to do the best we can for our patients and service users. We should all experience and demonstrate consistently healthy leadership behaviours.
Complementing our NHS People Promise, Our Leadership Way formalises the approach our NHS leaders should take. Our Leadership Way sets out the compassionate and inclusive behaviours we want leaders at all levels to show towards us as individuals and our colleagues. It introduces how leaders at every level across the NHS can help raise the standards of leadership by committing to compassionate and inclusive leadership, supported by a culture of lifelong learning and development. It describes how we can operate at our best and is a tool for leaders to use to consider how their behaviour impacts on the cultures they create.
The heart (compassion)
- We are inclusive, promote equality and diversity and challenge discrimination.
- We are kind and treat people with compassion, courtesy and respect.
The head (curiosity)
- We aim for the highest standards and seek to continually improve harnessing our ingenuity.
- We can be trusted to do what we promise.
The hands (collaboration)
- We collaborate, forming effective partnerships to achieve our common goals.
- We celebrate success and support our people to be the best they can be.
Info coming soon...
- Kings Fund free Leading with Compassion course:
Leading With Compassion | Free Course | The King's Fund (
- Kings fund guide to compassionate leadership:
What Is Compassionate Leadership? | The King's Fund (
- Our Leadership Way – Leadership Academy