A recruitment event was recently held to showcase the wealth of primary care opportunities available in North Cumbria.

The careers event was the first of its kind for North Cumbria, being held in the evening and opening conversations around employment opportunities, training, career development, and also showcasing a number of diverse roles.

Dr Robert Westgate, Clinical Director for Primary Care Networks in North Cumbria and Carlisle GP said: "It's about creating a sustainable career and encouraging people to want to live, work and stay in North Cumbria."

The event included involvement from organisations across general practice from primary care in North Cumbria, allowing attendees to discuss in depth the wide range of opportunities available. 

Dr Amit Paik, Clinical Lead for the North Cumbria Training Hub and Carlisle GP said: "It's an opportunity to showcase all the opportunities available and we've had a whole bunch of people attend, everyone from locum GPs all the way through to GP trainees who are in the process of looking for a job at the end of their training.

"We've also seen individuals who are really early in their training, getting to know what the opportunities are in North Cumbria, so when they do come to qualify they are ready to go. But beyond that we've also seen nurses, physician associates, occupational therapists, the whole breadth of professionals across primary care in North Cumbria.

"Really pleased with the turn out."

Future primary care recruitment events will be highlighted on our website when dates are confirmed.

Recruitment Evening
Full version
Recruitment Evening
Overview version (1 minute 30 sec)