On 8 July 2023 special parkrun events took place across the county to celebrate the 75th Birthday of the NHS.

The concept of ‘parkrun for the NHS‘ originated in North Cumbria and became a national event to celebrate the NHS's 70th anniversary. The event recognises the contribution of the NHS to the nation and encourages more people to get involved in physical activity and volunteering.

Nicola Jackson, who had the original idea to bring parkrun and NHS celebrations together, works for NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB). Nicola said: "parkrun is free every single week, people can watch, volunteer, jog, run, walk, whatever they want to do.

"It just brings people and communities together."

The parkrun event to celebrate 75 years of the NHS took place across multiple sites across North Cumbria with people taking part to both help improve their health and fitness, as well as celebrate the important milestone.

Julie Clayton, Chief Executive of Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw said: "We're really lucky to have the NHS that we've got. We know it's under massive pressure whether you're trying to get a GP appointment or you need hospital care, but there are teams working really really hard to meet the needs that we have.

"I'm only here because the NHS saved my life, they saved my daughter and then a few years later they saved my mum, we celebrated her 83rd Birthday last night which was fantastic."

Lindsay Graham, Co-event Director of Carlisle parkrun and the Director of Healthwatch Cumberland said: "The biggest gift we can give to the NHS is by keeping ourselves active and taking part in physical activity to keep us both mentally and physically well. parkrun really is a brilliant opportunity to stay socially connected and to improve our health and wellbeing."

Huge thanks were sent across social media channels and beyond to all the people and organisations who were involved in this positive health and wellbeing event.