With immediate effect centrally directed improvements have been made to our Programme:
Uplift in the sessional rate to match a prospective Fellow's usual clinical rate.
Additional 30% up-lift to cover practice costs for tax, national insurance and pension contributions.
All GPs qualified (gaining CCT) in the last 12-18 months
Hold a substantive employed post in primary care within North Cumbria - either partnership or salaried
The Offer
Scope for individual interests and strengths to be developed further, in the early years of being a GP
Opportunities for dedicated 1:1 mentorship and coaching across the 2 years
Participation and development of region-wide peer-to-peer support and networks
Focus on development of niche skills within GP - including leadership and business skills
Opportunity to learn further and participate further within a primary care network
The Requirements
Engage with all areas of the Programme
Formulate and continue to develop a "Professional Development Plan" (PDP), allowing for a tailored approach to the Programme
Meet and feedback quarterly to our team to ensure learning and development had to both the individual Fellow and the Programme overall
No written reflections are mandated and there is no examination component
Improved reimbursements to Fellows year 2021/2022
1 full session per week (based upon full time equivalent - "37.5 hours/week")
Funding matched to usual sessional rate
The Fellowship Programme is made up of four primary domains, undertaken as four sessions, monthly (full time equivalent), over the 2 year period. Further details are available within the drop-down boxes below.
All Fellows will have access to an ILM level 5 trained GP as a coach
This will be someone outside of their practice able to offer objective support and signposting
They will aim to meet up to three times a year, either virtually or via face-to-face, totalling six separate meets across their 2 year
All Fellows will also have access to a mentor via their own practices
Contact will be had for a minimum of 1 hour each month, either virtually or face-to-face, across the 2 year Fellowship
They will be undertaken ideally by the same member of staff from the senior clinical team
The use of this time will be directed by the Fellow, with mentors offering support, direction and a discussion on how the Fellow can progress in their clinical and non-clinical environment
Quarterly, Fellows to feedback to Fellowship Programme Director occurrence and outcomes of these session
On joining the Fellowship, GPs will be part of a physical and virtual “Fellowship Network”, linked by monthly meetings and virtually linked via WhatsApp groups
In total, a 3 hour window will be allocated to these session
A 1.5 hour session will be held to support peer-to-peer learning
Topics will be varied in nature, the direction of which Fellows themselves will be have a say in, though may include any combination of:
Specific case review
Ethical dilemmas
Local, regional and national clinical guideline changes
Highlight changes in local processes of late
Any examples of good clinical practice within their GP surgery
Sessions will be held monthly, alternating between physical meet ups and virtual ones
Pre-reading material will be also circulated at this point to highlight any clinical guideline changes of late
Timings will be led by Fellows, but the following may act as a guideline:
60 minutes – case discussions
15-30 minutes – coffee discussions
30 minutes – clinical guideline changes
The final 1 hour of this session will a component of leadership development
Sessions will alternate between discussions had from local eminent leaders through either:
Q&A style discussion – highlight an individual’s leadership journey, including challenges and learning from them
Short workshop-style presentation, highlighting a focal area of leadership development
Specific themes that we aim to cover over the forthcoming months:
Self-reflection of the leadership journey of self and others
Appreciating values and behaviours of an organisation
Culture development within an organisation
Influence of others
Sharing & receiving feedback
Fellows will be able to have a say in the direction these sessions take, including suggestions over speakers and points of discussion
The Fellow’s employing practice will also be asked for a minimum of 1 hour’s “partnership & practice management learning” activity on a monthly basis
The specifics are deliberately vague to allow Fellows to have some flexibility of how they’d like this element of learning to occur and align this with their PDP
A guideline of activities include:
1 hour of face-to-face learning with a senior member of their practice leadership
Including: practice manager, senior partner or GP trainer
Examples of specific topics:
Human resources and staff development
Legalities of partnerships
Strategy and change management
Working in Primary Care Networks
Patient engagement
Financial resources
Quarterly feedback discussions with the Fellowship Programme Director will help develop this section of the Programme as well as allow further development of material by the Programme and individual practices
Fellows will have the opportunity to learn more about their respective Primary Care Networks
Opportunities are to be made available across the 2 years to work within their PCN, with a focus over a Fellow’s specific interest
Examples include:
Appreciating the role of PCN director
Working within other GP practices within their PCN
Developing quality or service improvement role to support PCNs
Working on developing a specific area of interest within their PCN
We expect this area of the Fellowship to develop over the coming months as develop in collaboration between Fellows and their PCNs